"I am sorry. I can't loan you twenty dollars. I have been ..... too many times by people telling me that they will pay me back and then never doing so. It has hurt a lot of my friendships in the past," Luke said to Jacob.

"I am sorry. I can't loan you twenty dollars. I have been ..... too many times by people telling me that they will pay me back and then never doing so. It has hurt a lot of my friendships in the past," Luke said to Jacob. (*) stopped (*) pushed (*) lied (*) burned

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/13362,i-am-sorry-i-cant-loan-you-twenty-dollars-i-have-been-___-too-many-times-by-people-telling-me-that-they-will-pay-me-back-and-then-never-doing-so-it-has-hurt-a-lot-of-my-friendships-in-the-past-luke-said-to-jacob/