I am finding difficulty in blogging!! Help needed!!

Good day to you!! I want to create a blog. I am finding difficulty in finding easy and interesting topic. Also, I am finding difficulty in writing it in English. Could anybody please help me out? I would greatly appreciate your help!

Thanks in advance!!

Amit, why do you want to start a blog? Usually people start blogs when they want to share their thoughts on a certain subject. So which of your thoughts do you want to share with the world? If we give you ideas regarding the subject of your blog, the blog will more our blog than yours, don’t you think?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: How often do we bill this vendor?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Amit,

Please follow these instructions, till you learn English better and you can create a “Blog”

  1. Practice < Listening Exercises < 1 hr. < Every day.

  2. Practice < Reading Essays < Learners Mails < Reading Books < 1 hr Daily

  3. Writing < simple/Easy Topic< letters to friends < queries < feed back 1hr.

  4. Practice: Speaking < Friends < recording voice < Accent < Pronounciation < 1 hr.

If you follow the above instructions in your daily routine, you can learn English Easily, it will take 6 months to one year, then you can create a Blog on this Forum i.e. ETN. After that
you can do it yourself without difficulties.

As our Sir Torsten told you to practice here, you can practice/develop your English skill.

Wish you all the very best.

Thank you
