How to pronounce these words right? Strip, stripe, pause and pulse.

Hi Forumers,

Do you have a good way to share with me how to pronounce these words right? I always pronounce these words wrongly/ oppositely and I have tried to practice it many times but still failed sometimes.

The words are:

  1. Strip
  2. Stripe

  1. Pause
  2. Pulse

I do understand the meaning of the words totally. But when I try to say one of these words, I will always confused. Eg. strip accidently pronounced as stripe. :frowning:

Strip = [strip]
Stripe = [straip]

Pause = [po:z]
Pulse = [pals]

BTW, do you remember “stars and straips” ? :wink:

Thanks Lost Soul. Will copy it down! 8)