Dear Torsten,
First of all, thank you for correcting me in the spelling of those words (I will try to remember the next time) :D.
I haven?t started my preparation for the TOEIC test because this week was a free week and I wanted to take a brake, but I have been looking for information about the TOEIC books on the Internet and in the local bookshops.
So, now I am going to tell you about my English course:
In Spain the people that is unemployed (like me) can suscribe to a public organization called INEM something like National Institute of Emplyment in english. The advantage of being suscribed is that they help you to find a job (you are inscribed in their employment bag) and they have many free courses (Languages, Computing, Economics, etc) to prepare you meanwhile you are unemployed. So, they prepare you to find a job.
The courses are not giving by INEM, but third parties like
Institutes, Universities, Companies, etc. give these courses (INEM pays to them).
The course started on July 15th and finished on October 15th (vacations in August). The course will begin again on October 25th. The course is divided in two parts, that is because we had a free week.
In class we are used to sitting in rows but there some activities like Role Plays, Dialogs and Brainstorming in which it?s necesary to move the furniture of the classroom and we have to sitting in another way, so we can do the activity. The last one was a very funny activity, we made a very short theater play.
In my English course we are 10 people: two engineers, one economyst, almost all of them are companies administrator, and there is one person whose work is to arranged the books in a big library and has to know how to read antique books.
All we have in commom that we studied English at the school and in some other places (academies) outside the school. So, we are more or less at the same level.
We have two females teachers, they share the days of the week between them. One of them was born in US, and the other one in Spain, but both of them have lived long time in USA, so they speak very good english.
The teachers give their class in English, when someone don?t uderstand the meaning of some word the teacher explain it in English in a clearly way easy to understand. Usually, the teacher make us to talk between us, she gives an idea and we to talk between us about it, the teacher corrects any pronunciation mistake that we make.
We were using a book called “Business Basics” from Oxford, they give a original book to each student (no photocopies), we had finished this book and I suppose that they will give us another one tomorrow.
I like the course because we are learning how to act in formal way, so much in the written part as in the oral one. We are learning new vocabullary related to the Business like CEO or Chairman.
We are learning how to write formal and informals letters, how ask to the caller (by phone) to repeat somethiing that you didn?t understand and other things like that.
And every Friday we watch a film in English with subtitles in English (I try not to read them because in this way I can train my hear) :D.
I have learned in this course that you don?t have to be afraid to talk in English in public. I was very afraid to make mistakes when I talk in public, but I realised that anyone can make mistakes. In my classroom there are some people that feel afraid to talk in public and the has to force them to speak.
I still feel a little afraid of make mistakes, but I talk, it doesn?t matter if I make mistakes because I am not perfect and the teacher is there to help.
Talking in English in class give you more security when you have to talk in public and you can learn from your own mistakes.
Best Regards (informal way)
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon (formal way :D).