How to learn two languages at the same time effitively

I want to (actually I need to) learn German and Russian. I’m already pretty far with German in terms of basic understanding, greeting, etc. While with Russian, I still don’t know a single word of it (I can’t even say Russian in Russian, LOL).

So I was thinking what a really good way to learn both languages would be. According to the Pimsleur method you should only listen to it for a certain among of time for it to work, so I supposed I can’t use Pimsleur the whole day (well that’s kinda obvious isn’t it LOL) So I was thinking what if I use Pimsleur to work on a language let say German, for 30 minutes one day, take a break for about an hour (I don’t get bored of so much study) and then use Michel Thomas for the Other Language, Russian, then the next day do the same thing but instead used Michel Thomas for German and Pimsluer for Russian, and maybe even some Rosetta Stone or Teach Yourself in between the week.

So I think if I do that, it’d probably look like this:

  • Monday: German (30 minutes Pimsluer plus an hour of teach Yourself), one to 3 hours break and then, Russian (one Hour Michel Thomas + 30 minutes of Rosetta Stone)

  • Tuesday: German (one Hour Michel Thomas plus 30 minutes of Rosetta Stone), one to 3 hours break and then , Russian (30 minutes Pimsluer + an hour of teach Yourself )

  • Wenesday: German (30 minutes Pimsluer + an hour of teach Yourself), one to 3 hours break and then , Russian (one Hour Michel Thomas plus 30 minutes of Rosetta Stone)

  • Thursday: Watch two or 3 movies in one of the two languages with subs in English (BUT ONLY MOVIES OF THE SAME LANGUAGE ON THE SAME DAY, meaning, if I watched a couple of movies in German one week, the next week I’ll watch movies in Russian but NEVER watch movies in different languages the same day)

  • Friday: German (one Hour Michel Thomas plus 30 minutes of Rosetta Stone), one to 3 hours break and then , Russian (30 minutes Pimsluer + an hour of teach Yourself)

  • Saturday: German (30 minutes Pimsluer + an hour of teach Yourself), one to 3 hours break and then , Russian (one Hour Michel Thomas plus 30 minutes of Rosetta Stone)

  • Sunday: German (one Hour Michel Thomas plus 30 minutes of Rosetta Stone), one to 3 hours break and then , Russian (30 minutes Pimsluer + an hour of teach Yourself)

Also, it goes without saying that in my dead time (on the buss, on my way home from college, etc) I’ll be listening to music in those languages with my Ipod, and just like with the movies only music of the same language per day.

What do you guys think about it?, is it a little to ambitious, do you guys think I should do something else?, if so , what exactly?, How can I improve my method? don’t you think it’s too disorganized or something like that?

I’ll really appreciate your feedback, please. I’ve been trying to find a good method to learn those 2 languages for a while and this is the only realistic approach I could come up to.

Good morning Luui, you certainly appear to be approaching these subjects with intensity.
You are saturating yourself in both languages, and as a result you must surely learn at a rapid pace, that is assuming your brain doesn’t explode in the process.

I wish you good luck, and I so admire your dedication.


Your determination is admirable.