How to keep email assessments personal?

Hello everybody,

Tom’s recent question

How to start a letter? prompted a new idea. It would be good if we compile a list with phrases that can be used to evaluate a person’s performance and to give instructions. For example:

  • good job
  • keep up the great work
  • I'm sure you'll be able to improve your pronunciation even further
  • please complete the present perfect exercises and add new words to your glossary
  • please remember to answer the questions you receive from your tutor via email
  • so far, your results are excellent
  • I can see that you have put a lot of effort into improving your pronunciation

I guess from the examples above you can tell I’m referring to emails that are sent to students of online courses. You see, if you tutor a large number of students via email, keeping the assessments individual can be a real challenge. Do you have any experience in this field? Let me know what you think and have a good Sunday.


TOEIC listening, photographs: A night scene[YSaerTTEW443543]