How to improve your pronunciation?

Hi everyone,

please reply

Hello Torsten
This is the best thing ever. I’m really impressed by Dimitar’s way of improving pronuncation.
It really is great.
I’ll try to record my message soon. Would you point out my mistakes in pronunciation. I hope it’s not a problem…
Well, keep up this work. Dimitar is really brilliant. And of course there’s no doubt about your being brilliant Torsten…

Hi Alan,
I would like to send listenings in American accent . wuold it be?
Best regards,

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.

Hi, everyone!
Today I got an email lesson about “how to improve your pronunciation?”.
Since I have a strong inferiority complex about my strong Japanese accent English, I took notes of Dimitar’s methods!

And I’m encouraged to record my message here. I think I need to improve the intonation and rhythm. So, like Torsten asked to Dimitar, the good pronunciation is related to music. If you have good sense of music and good ears, see, you can be a good speaker…I guess.
Well…I’m not good at listening…

Anyway, practice, practice, practice…

best regards!

Good work Dimitar.I`m also from Bulgaria.You speak very good English and i want to increase my english like you.Please give me an advise.