How to distinguish between 'compare A with B' and 'compare A to B'?

What is the useage of “compare A with B” and “compare A to B”?

HERE is a common approach by grammarians:

[i]Compare to vs. Compare with

“Compare to” is used to liken two things or to put them in the same category.

  • The economy can be compared to a stallion charging at the gate.

“Compare with” is used to place two things side by side for the purpose of examining their similarities or differences.

  • The American economy can be compared with the European economy to note how military history impacts future economics.

thx u so much!

On afterthought, thanhsoi: native speakers seldom if ever distinguish these in real conversation.

Thanks , Mister Micawber . Thanks for you , i can know a web which is really useful for learning English ^-^

Thankyou !!!