How to approach English teachers?

As outlined before one of our target groups are teachers of English as a second language. If we want to succeed in selling them our products we need to put ourselves in their shoes.

Having worked as a freelance English language trainer myself here are some of the benefits you can get from purchasing our products:

  • you can save time preparing for your lessons
  • you can easily and quickly evaluate your students’ levels of English
  • you can identify those areas your students need most help with
  • you create an atmosphere of healthy and positive competition within your classroom

There are a lot of more advantages you can gain by obtaining our products. The main idea here is to always focus on what our customers want rather than trying to sell our products we just want to make some money.

So, instead of sending prospective teachers sales letters you might want to try and ask them one question at a time such as 'Hey Michael, I see you are teaching ESL. Would you be interested in saving time on preparing your lessons’? Or: 'How much time do you usually spend preparing for your lessons’? Or: 'How do you measure your students’ level of English’? etc.

Let’s do some brainstorming together here…


I would also add that you can make your lessons more personalized for people interested in the tech industry, who get to learn both English and some area of tech that they’re interested in. It’s two birds with one stone, and also promoting our approach to reading exercises for example.


Another way is to call for suggestions to improve the products, if needed, based on their experience.