How many languages are you able to identify?

So, this question is about which languages you think you are able to recognize when you hear people speak it. For example, I can pronounce about a dozen or so short phrases (at varies degrees of success) in Mandarin and I’m able to confidentiality identify somebody speaking Mandarin. The same goes for at least 20 European languages.

What about you? How many languages can you identify when you hear them which are they?

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So let’s count how many languages I can identify: French, English, Russian, Hungarian, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbian, Chinese, Indian, Polish, Czech, Greek, Dutch,Turkish, Bulgarian it would be 17 but the problem is … that I can also identify all sort of spoken Spanish by the accent: if it’s from Argentina or Venezuela or Mexico :sunglasses: so you see I can also identify 20 :smiley:
And I forgot the Japanese.


That’s a very impressive list, Monica. I assume by Indian’ you mean ‘Hindi’?

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Regarding spoken languages and to identify them with absolute certainty, as the kind that is required to testify at trial, I would say that I can identify Spanish (my mother tongue) in its different accents! The others are wagging sand. I have a very hard ear.


Yes! Hindi. This is what I wanted to say :blush:
Thank you!


De nada :wink: Nie ma za co.

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Monicanow and Alicja (and me) know what you wrote here.


Das ist wunderbar ;-).