How many hours' sleep does your body need?


Well, I know it is a sort of stupid question but I would like to know how many hours you could possibly afford to sleep? Do you find it difficult getting up in the morning and going to work? Do you ever feel groggy in the office? Or do you have a good control of your sleep? No yawning at all with watery eyes!


I need six hours of sleep a night. If I try to get more, my body won’t usually let me.

I have to be very careful when I’m on vacation or don’t have to go to work for a few weeks for one reason or another, because when my days and nights are unstructured, my body starts pushing me toward its preferred sleep schedule, which is 4 a.m. to 10 a.m. It’s only six hours, but my body prefers to sleep at that strange time, and if I let that happen for a week or two, it’s very hard to adjust back to the rest of the world’s schedule again.

I think seven hours of sleep is optimum but I don’t get enough sleep. Most of the time, I get four hours of sleep :frowning:

seven hours is good for me,

Here are some old threads on this (or similar) subject that you might find interesting:

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Lark or Night owl?

Hi Jamie,

When and how did you develop this sleep pattern? I mean six hours of sleep seems to be quite a low number. Also, why do you think your preferred sleep schedule is 4 a.m. to 10 a.m.? Maybe it’s not so much the number of hours you sleep each night but rather the quality of sleep you get? I assume you fall asleep within a few minutes and you don’t dream much?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a professor and his assistant[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi, generally speaking, eight hours during a night plus one hour noon nap. Maybe not enough :cry: :lol: !

these days I am working in Airport from 6 A.M to 3 P.M so I have to get up around 4 o’clock A.M to prepare some stuffs.
As I’ve been working at there I felt an one important thing that I should have
a sleep at least 6 hours. otherwise My day is very hard to me.
so I will go to bed before 10 P.M for having a good day!! Even though I have
to do many things for improving my English.

How about other guys??

Some of the time i feel so exausted that i wish i could sleep for the whole week.especially i have to go to work the next day.
But when i am on vacation, i can’t fall asleep. I hang out, i watch tv, go to the cinema, listen to musics, go to the gym and so on, all in all i throw sleeping aside. :smiley: