How fear is killing your mind

In order for us to achieve and embrace true democracy we need a universal basic income and universal basic services.

It’s easier to be forward thinking when you have the mental space in your life to wonder about the 22nd century and how to get humanity there in one piece. It’s very difficult to be forward thinking when all you can think about is how the hell you’re going to pay rent next month.


I’d say:“Never watch films like San Andreas or 2012”, because if you do it may destroy your hope for the future. However, after having watched them, they had not killed my mind. Oh, I think I’m contradicting myself, here. I just want to say that these disaster thrillers aren’t meant for some eyes.


Hi Marc, what do you make this illustration?


Hi Torsten,

The need of others is very important. If we help others we’ll meet all kinds of interesting people and we learn from them which makes everyone’s enjoyment of life so much bigger, because I like to see other people happy. Everyone has a fundamental right to happiness and enjoyment. But we need to have long term goals, however, you can only self improve if you’re open to what others have to tell you, how they want to see the future, how they wish to innovate this community, because it needs no saying, that now the second Covid-19 round has started, that there is abolutely something wrong in communication between people. Governments vs.people. The language used by a lot of politicians is far too complicated for the average citizen to understand. They do bla, bla, bla… Yet there is one big question: Can we really live without money. This may sound as if I have lost all hope, but don’t get me wrong, I haven’t. The reason for asking this question is that there are still a lot of people whose minds’ preoccupation is ‘Before Basic Income’. Can there be a balance between these two illustrations? I wonder…