How do you pronounce 'herb'?

Hole im Guljan Amiry shayan
im from Afghanistan i want learn English well but i dont know how shuold i strat the english learn

please guide me about this


Hello everyone
I want to improve my speaking skill. So i will read below paragraph,please you could show my mistake
Thank’s all
" First of all, keep in mind that you are not the only person who has this problem. There are millions of people whose schedules might be even busier than yours. Second, you need to understand that it’s not important how much time you have. What really counts is how you use your time. This fact is so crucial that I want to repeat for you: The important thing is how you use your time. We all live on the same planet and a day still has 24 hours regardless of what country you live in and what job you do or how many kids you need to care for. Time management starts in your head. Decide what you want to do and you will find the time to do it."

Hi !
The results in my dictionary is /hɜb/

In North America it’s nearly universally pronounced with a silent H. Also, the name Herb (which would be pronounced with the H as it’s short for Herbert) is not very common in the US and Canada.

In the 1980’s there was a Burger King commercial on TV which involved a character named Herb. It played off the whole herb (silent) versus Herb (pronounced) deal in a very comical way.

Hi OxfordBlues, many thanks for your post. In addition to posting text, can you also record how you actually pronounce the word ‘herb’?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: She was at the conference last year, wasn’t she?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Do you pronounce the ‘h’ in the word ‘herb’ or is it a silent letter?

Hi there
it is a great pleasure to hear all your voices, actually I have prepared every thing for recording my voice, but I could not make it .
I ll do my best to fulfill it

how to pronounce the word ‘herb’.

I think the pronounce like her, herb and earth don´t have H.

Hello Torsten,
The word herb should be pronounced with h, as in her (he:b)


Yes, pronounce the ‘h’, don’t drop it. Good practice for the ‘h’ is in this little ditty:

Harry went to Hampstead Heath
Harry lost his hat
Harry’s mother said to Harry;
Harry, where’s your hat?
Hanging on the hook in the hall.

But it wasn’t there at all.


A bit late, perhaps: as far as I know, the h is usually sounded in England, but it can be either sounded or mute in America, depending on region or accent.
Compare ch in German Chemie: pronounced like k(h) in southern Germany, while Hochdeutsch/northern(?) pronunciation is as in “ich”; also sometimes pronounced as in French, like sch in “schaffen”.

Hello Mr. Alan,
Thanks for this small ditty. please correct my mistakes in pronounciation hrere. THANK YOU1!

Hi Maia,

Liked it. Just a couple of points. Try saying ‘hat’ again and also ‘hook’. The main thing is that you were perfectly easy to understand.


it’s as in her

I believe you can hear the h but just vaguely, it is not a noticeable h. please correct our mistakes . Hello Mr . Alan, a nice little pronunciation exercise you gave us . Thank you very much !

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.

hello torston :slight_smile:
this is how i pronounce it “herb”

I think this word should be pronounced with “h” at the beginning, but unless I miss my guess there are many words in English language, where “h” mustn’t be pronounced, aren’t there!