How do I improve my writing for IELTS exam?

Hi , I have been studying English for 15 years but I feel I am lacking big time when it comes to using academic words. I have 1 month left and I feel devastated. I wish I could aim for an 8 but I don’t see it happening at this rate.


In case, if you need an essay for any exam, just read the topic carefully, explain all concepts (list synonyms), interpret it in all possible ways, make all possible theses.

Write down any questions that come to your mind about this topic. Also, be open and admit several possibilities, answers and solutions. For each option allowed, reserve a column in the table or a page where you will write notes in a moment. I had the same IELTS problem several years ago


Hello, please do not worry about exams or certificates that are outdated and will have no meaning in a few years. Life is too short for that. There are better alternatives for you to achieve your goals than wasting your time on exams that were created 50 years ago, when the world was a very different place.


Tbf It is inevitable for those of us who want to apply for foreign universities…

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You can obtain micro credentials from foreign universities without a TOEFL score.