How can I remember English words more quickly?

There are so many words that I can hardly spell them in a short time. What can I do then? I like reading very much, but I usually find difficult words that I can’t read it. How can I enlarge my glossary?


when reading do not try to look up every single word you don’t understand. This will only confuse you more.
Try to assume the meaning from the context - this is far more useful.

Sunny :slight_smile:

I agree that you have to understand the words through context, but I think you also have to look up the meanings of the words you don’t understand. Looking up the meanings of the words will broaden your vocabulary while understanding them through context will help you remember them and teach you how the words are used correctly.

I agree that you have to understand the words through context, but I think you also have to look up the meanings of the words you don’t understand. Looking up the meanings of the words will broaden your vocabulary while understanding them through context will help you remember them and teach you how the words are used correctly.

reading many times the same text and translate it very precisely…
I think this is for human brain like software for computer
any time you need , you may use it again.
If something is just to much over surface, it may be even difficult to use it again because you may repeat it with mistake / mistakes and be unaware about this very long time.
Native speakers will take your mistake in the most comfortable way for them (sticking that to the closest correct option)
From my expirance better less and good then a lot and poorly.