How can I prepare for my lexicology exam?

I had such a question on my list of questions for lexicology exam.
"Are all the words “mind” in the following sentences different or are they all one word used in its different meanings?
“Mind you, I don’t mind minding the children if the children mind me”.

What would you answer to this???

I actually thought that was just the polysemy…and nothing else…But that’s an open question, and only my point of view…and the question was included in my exam…So, i was curious to find out teh correct answer…maybe not the correct, but just other points of view

Hi Jailbird,

Mind you, I don’t mind minding the children if the children mind me.

1 Mind you is an expression used to qualify a previous statement suggesting: I must tell you on the other hand.

2 I don’t mind means: I have no objection.

3 Minding the children means: looking after the children.

4 If the children mind me means: if the children keep out of my way.

Just some thoughts


Well, yes, Alan, that’s true, I see the point. But still that’s a big semantical question^ is that one word with different meaning (just a polysemantic) or different ones???

Hi Jailbird,

Many words have more than one meaning and multiple meaning (or if you prefer the fancy word polysemy) is surely the normal state for most common words in English. A dictionary in its descriptive function will have to give a list of definitions for each of the different ‘meanings’. In the light of that to pick on a word and give a true meaning to it is a pointless exercise. Newly created words at the time of their creation may well remain chaste and pure for a time but they too will soon lose their virginity and diversify.
