How can I improve my writing skills?

Hi all,

I am much interested in improving my writing. It is often said that one could improve one’s writing only by writing a lot. So recently when I came across a quote that said “Practice makes permanent”, instead of the more famous “Practice makes perfect,” I wondered if the same applied to writing and I think it does. I cannot become a better writer just by writing badly day in and day out. For me to become a better writer, I need to be corrected when I go wrong.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea if we can write a brief essay of sorts every week, and post it on this site? We can then correct each other and of course Alan, Torsten, and other teachers/advanced learners can point out ways in which the essay can be made to look more professional, whenever they get a chance. I think this could be one of the ways to practice right.

I would like your opinion on this. If you have an alternative suggestion, please do not hesitate to share it.


Yeah, thats really a great idea!!! Just because of some practice for everyone. Unfortunately a lot of people are really afraid of writing and even more importantly-posting. And that is really a problem I should say. As for me, I think Ill write something for sure/ Besides I can try and write some monologues of mine which Im going to present at my exams during this session, and that would be nice if somebody read them, criticized or just dwelled on them..just for fun or..well, I dont know if anybody has enough time Ill apreciate the fact that somebody really DOES read my small compositions. Well, I think its only up to a person: whether he wants to share and to try or not.

But still its a great idea and Ill write if I find enough time for sure!

Thanks for responding Jailbird.

Believe me, I am terrified of writing and posting. Then again the greatest advantage of online forums is that they afford us some anonymity and we could use that to get out of our comfort zones and improve ourselves.

Do post your monologues. I for one shall definitely read them and if I can be of some help then I won’t hesitate to do that either.


Aside: Your handle sounds intriguing :slight_smile:

Abecedarian has made an excellent proposal. Many of us want to improve their writing skills and can only be achieved if we practice on a regular basis. As Abecedarian pointed out, it is vital to get some feedback on your writing, you want to know if what you write ‘sounds good’. Yes, we can start an online writing workshop and everybody is invited to participate. All you have to do is create a short text in English and post it here on the forum. We might even set up a particular subforum for this purpose. You can write about anything: your current situation at school, your summer holiday plans, your thoughts on politics, your favourite pop band, your hobby, your travel experiences and so on. You can even discuss your favourite quotation.
So, who goes first?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A speed-boat race[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Abecedarian,

Torsten and I think this is a very good idea and will probably convert it into a separate forum. I attach an example I’ve just written showing the sort of piece people could write with the construction of beginning, middle and end. An average length could be 200-250 words. The piece I’ve just done is about 200 + words.


My first day in a new job

It had been a very difficult interview but somehow the company had decided that I was the best person for the job. As my first day got nearer, I became more and more nervous but trying to look confident I reported for duty at 8.30 in the morning as the new sales assistant. A very serious looking manager showed me round the store and introduced me to the other members of staff in the computer department, where I had to work. The first morning was very quiet but later that afternoon it became busy and I had to deal with a very bad tempered customer who kept asking me to show him different pieces of equipment and in the end he decided that he didn’t want any of them and left the shop. My boss congratulated me on the way I had handled the situation. By now I was feeling very tired and must admit I kept looking at the clock. At last at six o’clock they turned off the main lights and slowly the shop started to empty. I could now relax and look forward to a nice little holiday of two days. You see my first day fortunately was on a Friday.

Thanks Torsten and Alan for taking the suggestion seriously and swiftly.

Alan, thanks much for the sample essay. I will find it useful to structure my own piece, which I will hopefully be able to over the weekend and post it for your and others’ opinion/corrections.

Thanks again

[color=blue]That’s what I’ve been looking for “FEEDBACK,” approval, disaproval, and also correction of my pieces.

Way to go abecedarian, good thinking…

I`m not sure whether I shall post anything here…But stil… My monologue on topic “Being a vegetarian-a fashion or a necessity?”

Ive lately been contemplating the up & down life of a vegetarian. Why should a person deprive himself from meat nd some other food? Is it because of taking care of their health or feeling a moral responsibility to animals? Or is it a fashion to be a complte vegetarian? And I would say first of all that it is just a way of life. In Russia, some time ago, being a vegetarian was really fashionable. But none of people really succeeded! Being a vegetarian is closely related to leading a special way of life, particularly, feeling in an extraordinary way. Thats on the other hand, there exist so-called non-meat eaters, not full vegetarians. And I should say it is a much easier task that the task of being a full one. How should a person come to the conclusion that cutting meat and other animal food out of their diet would be better for them? This has involved into hours of thinking. Only the other day I was jolted to hear the words slipping easily off the lips of my best friend. Thats not just a part of his life! He just doesn't need it! It seems mad enough but hes healthier than all of us!

Don’t be very critisizing, please!!!

Well done - I’ve made a few suggestions, which may be useful.


Thanx very much))) I havent expected so much attention to this ont thing. Still, thank you very much for correcting everything, Ill take it into my account!!!

Hi, I come from Asia. since I was twelve years old, I have learned English as my second language for fifteen years. Every day I read a lot English and listen a lot English, but I can’t feel my english improvments strongly, because I can’t use litter of it to think and write . So writing something in English about my life is good idea for me. I agree with the opinion that we should have a sort of writing workshop where I could send some of my written work. Everybody can discuss other’s written work and correct the errors. :slight_smile:

Jailbird. That was a nice monologue. Sorry I was away for some time and could not contribute in anyway.

And thanks Alan, be way of correcting Jailbird, we have have learnt something.


It is a very very fantastic idea
Iam with you :smiley:
and Iam ready for the nice idea I will write soon.
thanks alot

Hi! It seems to be a great ideea and I am waiting to find where I can write a composition.
I am a little bit absend-minded so I do not understand if already exists a special talking list for this.
So, please, can somebody show me where I can write and read compositions?

Hi Lucia,

You can post your essay or story here on the forum and we’ll tell you what we think about it.

TOEIC listening, photographs: In a hair salon[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thank you very much!
First of all, because I am preparing for Ielts, I have written some compositions about what I believe I will be asked. So I write a compositions about my town, Bucharest.

About my town

My town is a big one but is not a clean one except the center. You can find streets fool of garbage.
Beside garbage , there are many stray dogs, many roofless children, the pollution level is high, the highways are full of holes, the people are irritable and stressed. Why are the people irritable and stressed?
Because of misery, because of spoilt roads, because of agglomeration on the highways, because of a low live level.
In Bucharest there are no more than 7 big parks. There are wee places for play for children. The green places had seized of many garages and useless structures, many of it unfinished.
But the town has a better part, of course.
So here you can find many higher education institutes , many museums, churches, an Opera House, an Operetta Theatre, another many theatres. Also, here is the Patriarchate of Romanian Orthodox Church.
It is important to visit the Village Museum founded in 1936, in which specimens of traditional village architecture have been gathered from all parts of the country. Bucharest also has open spaces and stadiums for sporting events.
In my town people can have jobs in various fields: culture, education, transports, tourism, medicine, IT, arts, architecture, management, marketing and many others.

I will also try to write sample essay. But
my English is bad…

I`ll tell you “my life in school”

I learn in National Academy of Arts - second year.
It likes me. There are many disciplines(?) like
drawing, sculpture, anatomy and perspective.
and English Language, of course, but is so
scandy -unfortunately.
My course consist of 8 students. They are so
nice and amusing young people. Actually I`m
I and my mates often stays in the studio all
day long. There are many tools.
The programme on the next semester include
section jewellery. and I wait with impatience
new semester.
Now we are in summer vacation.

that is…
there is soooo many mistakes…:frowning:
but i ll learn this language with your help… i hope so…

Hello Jady!
Although I can speak english not very well, I found some mistakes in your text:

“My course consist” means one course, so you must wrote : my course consist[color=red]s or my course[color=red]s consist

Actually I`m
I think the correct form is : I am [color=red]the youngest.

I and my mates often stays
I think the correct form is : I often stay with my mates or I and my mates often stay

The programme on the next semester include
I think the correct form is : the [color=red]program on the next semester include[color=red]s

It is just my opinion. I am waiting for a teacher…

That was my first attempt.
I ll be try again and again…

Yes, but no teacher have any time to correct our essay and I would try to write another one. So I really hope somebody correct us.