2 - not homophones when the second is pronounced correctly and carefully.

  1. guild - gilled
  2. greyed - grade
  3. great -grate
  4. jeans - genes
  5. graze - greys
  6. groan - grown
  7. gel - gell
  8. guilt -gilt

1.least - leased
2. lute -loot
3. Yolk -yoke
4. laze - lays
5. lock - loch
6. lax - lacks
7. idle - idol
8.lox -locks

  1. phase -faze
  2. foul - fowl
  3. faint - feint
  4. flair - flare
  5. few -phew
  6. phrase - frays
  7. file -phial
  8. Floor - flaw

'. principal - principle
2. praise -prays
3. prize -pries
4. Pride - pried
5. paced - paste
6 peak - pique
7. profit -prophet
8. Palate - palette

  1. trust - trussed
  2. tie - Thai
  3. tucks - tux
  4. tax - tacks
  5. troop - troupe
  6. tract - - tracked
  7. told - tolled
  8. time -thyme
  1. mode - mowed
  2. moll - maul
  3. muscle - - mussel
    4 mule -mewl
  4. muse - mews
  5. manner - manor
  6. moat - mote
  7. miner - minor
  1. ooze - oohs
  2. altar - alter
  3. heirs - airs
  4. oracle - auricle
  5. assent - ascent
  6. ale - ail
  7. oral - aural
  8. aisle = I’ll

Not all are quite homophones if pronounced carefully. Is ‘gell’ a word?

  1. horse - hoarse
  2. wholly - holy
  3. heed - he’d
  4. him - hymn
  5. hurts - hertz
  6. heel - he’ll
    7 heard - herd
  7. hauls - halls
  1. coax - cokes
  2. chaste - chased
  3. sensor - censor
  4. cached - cashed
  5. karat - carrot
  6. cox - cocks
  7. shoot - chute
  8. seed - cede
  1. ring - wring
  2. wracks - racks
  3. right - Wright
  4. watts - what’s
  5. rye - wry
  6. rex - wrecks
    7.rest - wrest
  7. wreak - reek
  1. recede - reseed
  2. reign - rein
  3. revue - review
  4. wrote - rote
  5. rapt - wrapped
  6. rude - rued
  7. receipt - reseat.
  8. wright -write

Oh Katy, I can’t understand English any more! :slight_smile: just kidding. those were good fo my mind. Beeesneees said those are not homophones if the second one be pronunciated correctly and I’m wondering this is true for all of them or just for several of them.

  1. instance - instants
  2. lichens - likens
  3. lune -loon
  4. links - lynx
  5. lieu -loo
  6. intense - intents
    7.eyelet - islet
  7. licquor - licker
  1. nit -knit
  2. key - quay
    3.-knew -gnu
  3. taught -taut
    5 knap - nap
  4. tear -tier
  5. need -knead
  6. knob - nob
  1. medal -meddle
  2. due -dew
  3. birth - berth
  4. metal - mettle
  5. draft - draught
  6. done - dun
  7. boy - buoy
  8. marchal - martial
  1. vial - vile
  2. jewels - joules
  3. vain - vein
    4 wade - weighed
  4. vail -veil
  5. urns - earns
  6. use - ewes
  7. variants - variance
  1. cougher - coffer
  2. copse - cops
    3.colonel -kernel
    4.chords - cords
    5.choirs - quires
  3. cygnet - signet
  4. corps -core
    8.cymbal -symbol

I said ‘not all are…’
This is the same as ‘some of them are…’