
Hi dears

please send your text about yourself and your life and … in my email addres!!for more conservation


Hi Black,
What do you actually mean?
I did not understand your post.

Hi zfort,
What do u mean by that? I didn’t get it.
write something about youself in brief like… your name, country, sex, what do u do, your family etc.

my goal in this topic was for a conversation with 1 or many new friends in this site and other countris.
my name is Mehdi. I am from Iran. male


how are you? i would like to talk on the English language more with people from other countries.
let`s talk about how people make a friends ( means in the website- online life or real life, which one of actually today)


Hi Rada,

It’s nice to hear from you. What I infer from your writing is you need to improve your English which you can do in a few months. This Site is one of the ways to better your English. Be regular here on the Forum, post your questions, don’t feel shy to ask anything regarding the English usage.

You said that you want to make friends via the Internet and improve your English. That you can do it. It has become a lot easier because of the Internet. Well, I don’t want to be long. Just this, if you really wanna talk with people from all over the world in English then it’s quite possible via the Internet and phones (cellphone). My cell number is: [color=red]REMOVED. Please use PMs to share personal information
You can give me your number too if you want.


Why is it not a good idea to publish my e-mail address on the forum?

Dear Beees,
Thanks a lot for getting the Webmasters remove my personal numbers. After I have posted that message I was a little worried about it and wanted to edit it. Thankfully, the numbers are gone. I now feel that I am out of quandary.


It’s not good to publish your emails, phone numbers, and other private information on the page where everyone can see them. Some people misuse them, make a fool of you, and in some cases they do a great harm to your reputation.

Dear Beees,
I can’t send PM. I tried a lot but I am not sure if my message has been received or not.