I was very satisfied when i found this site. A big variety of exercises and even mp3 ! I think this can help me to improve my English. It isn`t bad, but i still want to talk more fluently!
P.s. I`m 17 and live in Lithuania… Hmz…What else…Well if you want to know more about me, write me…
I want to thank people who work with this project!
Many thanks for your positive feedback, we are very glad to have you on board. Where in Lithuania are you from? I have been to Kaunas a couple of years ago and I was very surprised that the people there spoke Lithuanian. Back then Lithuania had been independent only for a very short period of time and I used to think that people in the Baltic states would speak Russian. Now I know that your mother tongue is Lithuanian and that you start learning English at a very early age at school or even in kindergarten. That’s true, isn’t it?[YSaerTTEW443543]
Torsten - actually my country isnt large and there still are people who think that lithuanians talk Russian.Russian is still quite popular language, but not as it was before.Now English is more popular i think:)I began learning French from these years too and i think, that English is easier :) I have been learning it from 3rd form (im in 11 now).
How have you become a teacher? what is advantages and
disadvantages of your job?
Koko - thanks for your answer:) It is a winter in Lithuania and now it is -5 outside, later it will be more cold. But it is ok for me. I am waiting for Holidays, then i will have more free time, now i spend lots of time for studying…
Yes, my country is in EU. We can go to other countries ( EU) with no visa…Hm…what else has changed? Well… The food is more expensive:)…What is your lihe like in Singapore, what kind of governemen do you have?
C ya!
If you learned French and English at school you speak at least four languages, don’t you? As for me, I learned Russian and English at school and university and some years ago I started to share my experiences with other people and it turned into profession and hobby. So far I can see only advantages because you have plenty of opportunities to make progress and learn yourself better as well as other cultures and mentalities.
What are your plans for the future? What profession are you going to choose?[YSaerTTEW443543]