My name is Nylamp and I’m from Peru. I came to New York to learn English and I realize that I was learning faster with songs and lyrics. Then, I gathered my knowledge and built a website for you to learn English vocabulary, listening and pronunciation with songs.
So glad to hear from you! :lol:
Actually, my first name is Abderrafik(shortened for Rafik) which means in Arabic, my mother tongue, Abd=worshipper & Rafik=Companion(one of the 99 Names of Allah, God, in Islam).
On the forum, my nickname is Ajanah(A stands for Abderrafik & Janah is my family name, meaning “wing” in Arabic).
So, how about you? I know Pamela is more widespread than Abderrafik, but have you ever thought of its meaning?
Thanks for the e-mail, by the way, & you’re welcome on: