Hi, I'm Low low, the new member from Malaysia

HI everybody ,

I 'm Low low ,I’m from Malaysia which famous for spicy food:P. I will be taking the TOEIC test soon:P Hope i can look for my clarification here , pls help me though:P

low low

Hi hi, Low Low! :slight_smile:

You’re bound to learn lots here and enjoy yourself into the bargain – see if you don’t.

Hoping to meet you again soon.

Salaam & Hi, Low Low!

I’m from sun countries and I’ve never ever done TOEIC until now :cry: :cry:

would you mind having problem if I help you :?: :?:

I think you will get the best result and you must replay the test again after my help :lol: :lol:

Low Low, you saw that… in this web a lot of nice teachers like Conchita :o :o

and she always help you :wink: :wink:

Mba Mba :idea: :idea:

Hi… Welcome to this forum. I am from your neighbouring country. :smiley:

wow , really hapy to see ur’s reply thanks so much to Mba Mba and Conchita …


low low