Help plus verb? (I am used to helping them to sharpen and improve their...)


Could you please tell me if in the following sentence the ‘to’ after ‘them’ could have been left out?

I am used to helping them to sharpen and improve their written assignments.

I mean I often have read phrases like ‘I help people make decisions’ or ‘they can help you become independent’.
So, does the verb ‘help’ need the ‘to’ before another verb?
Thank you


An interesting question. I believe that nowadays the so-called ‘bare’ infinitive is more common after help- that is without ‘to’. This is especially the case when there is a noun/noun phrase object or if there is a ‘to’ before help.

So we see : We have tried very hard to help them and their friends book a good holiday.

We helped the students find accommodation

Hope this helps you see the uses!


Hi Alan, thank you for you answering so fast. Yes, your answer helped me see the use :slight_smile:

I think the sentence with “to” & “them” is correct.
Please, correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you.