Help please..

Hello everyone…
I watched the video and it’s writen ‘wedding’ at 0.07. I wonder whether it’s right? And also pls correct maybe there’s another incorrect words based on the video. Thanks in advance…

Here is the link and the transcript:
Title: The Digestive System animation

In the digestive system the mechanical action of teeth grinds food down into smaller particles and the chemical and wedding action of saliva begins the breakdown of starches into more digestible sugars.

The food is pushed through the esophagus into the stomach or gastric acids and muscular turning continue the chemical and mechanical digestion of proteins in the food.

In the duodenum food continues to be digested by the action of other pancreatic and bile secretions.

The digested food is absorbed by the body as it passes through the small intestine and moves through the large intestine and rectum.

There are a few mistakes, including the word ‘wedding’:

In the digestive system the mechanical action of teeth grinds food down into smaller particles and the chemical and wetting action of saliva begins the breakdown of starches into more digestible sugars.

The food is pushed through the oesophagus into the stomach, where gastric acids and muscular churning continue the chemical and mechanical digestion of proteins in the food.

In the duodenum food continues to be digested by the action of other pancreatic and bile secretions.

The digested food is absorbed by the body as it passes through the small intestine and moves through the large intestine and rectum.

Many thanks Mr. Bev…