Help me out: Doug's sisters are in Oregon and N.Y

Hi everyone…

I just need to know why the follow-up sentence is wrong: “Doug’s sisters are in Oregon and N.Y”. According to my grammar book that sentence should be like it comes: “His sisters are in Oregon and N.Y”

Hence, my question is, why the first one is wrong? 'cause to me it sounds quite right…so anyone can help me out?

P.D: Grammar Book’s definition: “Possesive adjectives replace possesive nouns.”

That’s not quite clear for me…

Hi Sergio,

Your two sentences are different and both are fine. What is your question?



If there was first a question such as “Where are Doug’s sisters?”, then it would usually be preferable to replace “Doug’s” with the possessive pronoun “his” in the reply: “His sisters are in Oregon and N.Y”

Your grammar book probably considers your sentence “wrong” for this reason.


Ok…maybe Myself wasn?t clear.
My question is if the first sentence is correct in terms of saying “Doug’s sisters are…” wherever, so is it right? I mean, to state that sentence when it has a plural connotation…Is that ok to say Doug’s sisters? or could not be, gramatically, possible? My grammar book uses his in that sentence instead.

My issue is that I’ve got problems with possesives (i.e. nouns adjectives)…so please help me out…

I hope this time I made my point…thanks…


Hi Sergio

Yes, the sentence “Doug’s sisters are in Oregon and N.Y.” is grammatically correct.

Going back to what I wrote before, if you are having a conversation and it is already clear that you’re talking about Doug, then it would be normal to replace “Doug” with a pronoun (he, him, his, etc.).

You can use “Doug’s” or “his”, no matter if it’s one sister (singular) or two sisters (plural). You can say:
“Doug’s sister” / “his sister”
— OR —
“Doug’s sisters” / “his sisters”

Does that answer your question?

Hey…Amy thanks. You always have been aswering my concerns and I appreciate that…Of course you answered my question, it was quite clear…!