Hello to all! I am Jose Acevedo and I was born in Venezuela


Excuse me because I have not presented myself before.

I am Jose Acevedo and I was born in Venezuela, but I am living in Spain now with my grandmother. I came to Spain to do a Master (that I have already finished) and right now I am looking for a job.

Meanwhile I will prepare myself to take the TOEIC test (thank you for your advice), I think is very important to have a certificate in English that shows what is your level in this language.

Otherwise, I would like that you tell me some reasons about why TOEIC is the best option to me. I think that the Cambridge tests are very academic, I mean, that they are when you want to study in an English language country.

Thank you again.

Best Regards.

Hello Jose,

Many thanks for introducing yourself to us. It’s always good to have some background information on our forum members. As to your question regarding the TOEIC test - in my opinion, there are a number of reasons why should choose TOEIC over Cambridge:
With the Cambridge Certificates you have to decide which of the five levels you want to take the exam for:

KET (Key English Test), PET (Preliminary English Test), FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).

I think your level of English is way above the FCE (First Certificate in English), so you should aim either for CAE or even CPE. However, if you decide to take the CPE you might fail it which have a variety of negative effects.
With the TOEIC there is no failing or passing - just as is the case in real life situations: You can always find a way to communicate with another person no matter what how good your English language skills are.

Also, if you have obained a Master degree and you are looking for a job you should acquire a business oriented English certificate. The TOEIC is used and recognized by large international corporations such as Siemens, Allianz, Procter&Gamble, Hewlett Packard/Compaq, Coca-Cola and many more. Every year more than 2 million people take the TOEIC test to evaluate and certifiy their command of English in a professional setting.

In addition, the administration of the TOEIC is more flexible than the Cambridge exam procedure.

Let me know what you think.

TOEIC listening, question-response: How often should I send updates?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Jos?,

Nice to meet a “neighbour” :slight_smile:

I hope you find here all that you are looking for to help you with English.


Tere from Argentina

Break a leg Jose!
