Hello, everyone, it is Marie say hi to you

Hi, everyone. My name is Marie Han, I am a chinese girl, and I am living in Guanggdong province in China. I am an assistant to my Germany boss and run errands for him. I was born in the Xi’an city, it is in the North-west part of China, I like my hometown and the people living there, but I don’t like the the climiate there very much, it is very cold and dry in Winter and very hot and windless in summer. So, after my graduation, I made a move to the southern of China immediately. Now I have being in Zhuhai city in Guangdong for around 8 years, and I just enjoy to live here. It is a city near sea, the climiate is just very nice, warmer, gentle and a little himid, especially good for girl’s skin, cause I am same with other girls and want to keep my skin and body to be beautiful and healty. Sured, caused now I am far away from my family, and I can’t get together with them in most of time of the year, I did miss them a lot, I usually go back to home to stay with them for some traditional chinese holidays.

Welcome to China, hope you will have a good tour in China!

Hello Maria Han,

Welcome to english-test.net and thanks for your introduction. If you like, you can take this test and let me know how many questions you got right on the first attempt.

Best regards,

TOEIC listening, photographs: Workers in the field[YSaerTTEW443543]