Hello everybody! I'm Praveen KV from India

hi there !!! :smiley:

i’m Praveen K V from India. I would like to describe about myself in 0 words. So, that makes the idea of joining this forum more novel and purposeful, isn’t it !!! :slight_smile:

Well, I’ve lots of queries regarding the GRE exam, and so, I will be relentlessly firing questions to all the biggies on this forum. I sincerely hope that your support and help will make me achieve something incredible.

Thanx to one and all on-board.

Welcome,welcome,plomon!I’m absolutely confident that you’ll take much from this site and enjoy it greatly.
Go ahead :smiley:

Salaam plomon :wink:
Welcome in the best web
if you want any thing I am here
just enjoy in this web
with my respect :smiley:

Finally I can get through to some of the students.
My name is Nanette Nielsen I, am from Denmarand I
like corresponding with other people.
My nickname is blueangel.
The teacher Thorsten, wants to see a photo of me, but I don’t know how to
put my photo on the internet.
Stay well!
Kind Regards. Nanette.

Hi, I’am Kashyap from India

Hi, I am kashyap from india

Hi, Aneeqa, I am kashyap from india. I am also first attempt at writing in a forum

Hi, Everybody I’m kashyap, Istarted off Milk bussiness now I am become a co-ordinator for ac company

I’ am married I have two children they are studing