He will check what are the permitted usage of this location

  1. The spot was previously rented to a food truck to operate it’s business.
  2. There was a food truck that used to operate it’s business at this spot.
  3. This spot was previously used by a good truck to operate it’s business.
  4. A food truck used to operate it’s at this spot.
  5. He will check what are the permitted usage of this location.
  6. I am here to check the permitted usage of this location.
  7. I will try to make my presence subtle when I am at parties.

Are the above sentences correct? Please advise.

  1. The spot was previously rented to a food truck business.
  2. There was a food truck that used to operate at this spot.
  3. This spot was previously used by a food truck.
  4. A food truck used to operate at this spot.
  5. He will check what the permitted usage is for this location.
  6. I am here to check the permitted usage for this location.
  7. I try to make my presence unnoticeable when I am at parties. / I try to be subtle when I am at parties.

Thanks for replying.

I have tried to rephrase question 5 and 6 and I came up with the following:

  1. He will check and determine permitted uses of this location.
  2. I am here to check what this area is zoned for?

Please advise.

5 … the permitted uses regarding this location.
6 doesn’t make sense to me.