He vowed again never to let it pile up like that again but in the back of his mind, he knew it would happen again

The paperwork had piled up on him again. He ..... in and gave it his best effort. It took until an hour after his workday was usually over to finish it. He vowed again never to let it pile up like that again but in the back of his mind, he knew it would happen again. (*) waded (*) wadded (*) wafted (*) waffled

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14963,the-paperwork-had-piled-up-on-him-again-he-___-in-and-gave-it-his-best-effort-it-took-until-an-hour-after-his-workday-was-usually-over-to-finish-it-he-vowed-again-never-to-let-it-pile-up-like-that-again-but-in-the-back-of-his-mind-he-knew-it-would-happen-again/
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