He is only a 11-years-old and he is going to have to ..... the facts about that. He can't make those kinds of decisions on his own. He can when he turns 18 but, for now, I will make all of the decisions regarding his education.

He is only a 11-years-old and he is going to have to ..... the facts about that. He can't make those kinds of decisions on his own. He can when he turns 18 but, for now, I will make all of the decisions regarding his education. (*) face (*) head (*) neck (*) foot

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/16578,he-is-only-a-11-years-old-and-he-is-going-to-have-to-___-the-facts-about-that-he-cant-make-those-kinds-of-decisions-on-his-own-he-can-when-he-turns-18-but-for-now-i-will-make-all-of-the-decisions-regarding-his-education/