have yet to lose

From the context below, one could for sure sense what was all about, but ''the title is United’s to lose" or “has yet to lose interest in your pretty face” sounds a bit of unfamiliar to a non-native ear. Would anyone explain the construction.
Thank you.

  1. Although convinced the title is United’s to lose, Robson is not ruling out City and believes the derby at Etihad Stadium on 30 April will have a major impact on the outcome…
    2.Stoke City have yet to lose at home to any of the top five this season.
    3.The last I heard you were still in Gloucester with the Empress Matilda, so, whether fitzAlan loves you also or has yet to lose interest in your pretty face and form, he will come for you.

The title is United’s to lose…
This type of construction is used where something (in this case the title) is almost a certainty to be gained. the writer, as you will have guessed, is saying that there’s such a certainty that they’ll win, the only thing that could stop them would be some catastrophic error made by them.

Have/has yet to lose…
This has not happened yet (and the writer actually may be indicating that he thinks it is unlikely to happen at all)

Thank you, Beees. I’ve almost got it.
Just one thing: could you say that ‘is yet to lose’ in fact, means ‘for sure to gain’ or that also could be 'they are the title-holders and they seem to keep it", both are true as it stands in the Premier League.
And:in example 3, ‘Have/has yet to lose interest’ means ‘the person will hardly lose interest in…’?

That’s the likely scenario, yes… but it’s not always 100% definite.