Hardest to pronounce English words?

Any suggestions for English words that are difficult to pronounce?
My vote goes to ‘sixth’…

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What I have trouble with is not so much the pronunciation of individual words, but rather when words are joined together, especially when the “th” and “s” sounds are involved. For example:

these structures
the second
friends through the internet


Several of these difficulties are combined in the move title The Sixth Sense.

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:sweat_smile: That’s a good one.

/ðiːz ˈstrʌk.tʃəz/. :arrow_forward:︎ hold your /z/ slightly longer before you say the /s/

/ðə ˈsek.ənd/ :arrow_forward:︎ not an example of what you said you have a problem with.

/frendz θruː ðə ˈɪn.tə.net/ :arrow_forward:︎ there is no clear distinction between the final /z/ and initial /θ/. Just slide you tongue down to your teeth as you move from the /z/ to the /θ/.