Halley worked backwards in determining ..... historical dates. A passage in the Book of Joshua describing the "sun standing still in the sky" in reference to sighting a comet, meant Israelites were living in the land of Canaan in 1404 BC and had observed the event.

Halley worked backwards in determining ..... historical dates. A passage in the Book of Joshua describing the "sun standing still in the sky" in reference to sighting a comet, meant Israelites were living in the land of Canaan in 1404 BC and had observed the event. (*) spontaneous (*) stopgap (*) specific (*) sporadic

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/21927,halley-worked-backwards-in-determining-___-historical-dates-a-passage-in-the-book-of-joshua-describing-the-sun-standing-still-in-the-sky-in-reference-to-sighting-a-comet-meant-israelites-were-living-in-the-land-of-canaan-in-1404-bc-and-had-observed-the-event/