Greetings: I am from Russia and I want to improve my English speech and grammar.

Hello, everyone!
I am from Russia and I want to improve my English speech and grammar. How I can do this?

Hello Buddy,
Don’t worry about this.There are so many exercises in this sites .That will help you a lot.

It would be good. :slight_smile:

hello ydk, My mom’s from Russia- kalmikiq :slight_smile: If you have a questions i can explain you some things on russian if it will be easier for you. I’m in process of learning English but however if you need help tell me maybe i can help you.

O! Thank you very much. And where are you from, Ex0tic?

I’m from Bulgaria Its capital is Sofia? Do you know it? And where are you from?

Hello I´m Christoph and new.
I´m from Germany and also like to improve my english.
It is late now so I wish everyone a good n8! :smiley:

Yes Ex0tic I know about this city. I was in Albena ten years ago. :slight_smile:
I live in Moscow. This is capital of Russia.

Yes i know that:) I’ve been there before:) I want to sudy in rdn or guu:) Today i had a exame on russian… It was hard but i think i done it…i think so :slight_smile: and i hope so…

i hope you all the best .just remember ,while you trying your english level esp. in speech and grammer ,one key sigificant issue is that learning grammer have no meaning without doing your best to employ them in several aspects of english language.what im trying to say is that better to take it ,eng lang, as awhole than to separate it in its outlines sections.all in all speaking as same as reading and this not lessen in its importancy in something relating to speaking.we are all here to learn and help each others.

What do You mean A Staute? I’m not all understand. Then what the best way to learn English for You?

hello exotic. im yassin from morocco. yeah i know bulgaria. it is in europe. so what about you do you know morocco

yes i know maroco :)) my mother work there :slight_smile: isn’t that funny :slight_smile: i’ve been there!It’s very beutiful i visited casablanka and Rabat .My mother work and live there for 8 years.and you? what do think about bulgaria? Have you ever been there ?What do you know about it?

the first of all i would like to thank you about your is great that you know moroocco and your mother works there means that it is a good occasion to meat each other why not in morocco;and practice our english more and more.but what sounds not good is that i have never been in balgaria.moeover; it is enough to know someone nice like you.

Hi , everybody! Ex0tic , I’m from Bulgaria too. I can say that my aunt is Russian but I’ve never been there. Ydk, can you tell me something more about Marocco ?I really want to go there one day :slight_smile: .I’ve watched a lot of films, let’s say soap operas , and I’m very interested in your country. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

hello magi1994,
how are you? im yassin from morocco. i have already have a conversation with exotic from balgaria.i think you are mistaken because she is not from morocco but here mother lives if your desire is to visit morocco i can tell you that you can find fantastic places and you will be in tooch with moroccan culture which sounds amazing too.
see you magi

Oh, Yassin. What are you doing?I’m sorry for my mistake.What documents i have to have?I mean something like special passport…? What is the weather like in morocco? In the winter (now), here in Bulgaria it is a little bit cold and overcast. If the weather is nicer in morocco I should want to go there the Christmas holiday. But I’m not sure for my documents so I really don’t know. What should I do?

Hi :slight_smile: Hey Maggy It’s cool where do you study?In which school?In which town? Yassin thank you I’m glad:) Bulgaria is very beautiful country with lovely and very different nature and friendly people and interesting traditions and customs, but we don’t have rules.You should visit Bulgaria.It’s nice here!

Yes. Bulgaria is the best place. :slight_smile: I’m planning to visit Albena in June 2009.

Hi dear new friend, please to meet you. This is Joao Fonseca from Brazil. I live in Brasilia, the capital. right now is a rainy day. how about you town? what have you done so far according to your plans to improve you English ? if you want I can share some good tips I’ve got. I only know your country by TV. here in Brazil very often they show something going on in your country. All I know its a country with beautiful girls.