Grammar MCQs

Hi All

Please look at above MCQs. I need your help that how correct I am.

[b]Here is my answers:

Q1 : c
Q2 : a
Q3 : c
Q4 : c
Q5 : b
Q6 : a

Q1: B (Inversion with only after)
Q2: A
Q3: C (Nonessential appositive is always separated from the rest of the sentence with commas)
Q4: C (No comma is used if the adverb clause comes after the main clause)
Q5: B
Q6: A

In #2 “A” seems to be wrong because of the odd word choice: tickets are normally sold out, not just sold.
I think “B” is the right choice: “Yes, and it was one of the best shows I had ever seen.”

As for the rest, I agree with what Atomos wrote.

Well, at that time I chose A because I thought “all” and “already” somehow could imply the “sold out” status of the tickets. Furthermore, the word “and” in B seemed odd and unnecessary to me. Having said that, I strongly believe your choice is the correct one

Thank you so much for your suggestions, Atomos & Our Tort System.

I would say 1b, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6a. (I have underlined the ones we do not seem to agree on. :-))

You agree on #1 a? – I’d say that doesn’t make sense. – ‘Only after they had completed an exhaustive study did they understand to begin how to adapt the technology to the needs of our company.’

I think the correct option in #1 is b. – ‘Only after they had completed an exhaustive study did they begin to understand how to adapt the technology to the needs of our company.’

My mistake. I really meant #1 B, don’t know why I wrote A though…

About #4 B, there’s nothing wrong with it. Unusual as it may seem, a semicolon sometimes can be used to separate items in a list when at least one of the items contains a comma.

Ex: We visited San Francisco, California; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington.

Great… here you admit your mistake regarding question #1 and then you go back and edit your first post! My post doesn’t make much sense now, does it? :slight_smile:

But you chose C for question 4 in a post above Atomos.