Grammar Check

Are these sentences correct :-

  1. She made her first debut in phoenix.
  2. She made her first debut from “The Heart” album.
  3. She always goes down the stairs slowly but comes up the stairs quickly.
  1. She made her debut in Phoenix.
  2. She made her debut with her “The Heart” album.

thanks for answering. You wrote ‘p’ of Phoenix in capital letter, isn’t because Phoenix is a city name ? (the way I wrote this sentence is it correct)

and what about third one. Is it correct ?

The way I wrote your sentences is correct. Phoenix is a city in Arizona. Your 3rd sentence is OK.

I wasn’t pointing about that, I was talking about this(my way of asking) sentence :-

Isn’t because Phoenix is a city name ?

(the way I wrote is it correct ?)

Please also tell me, can we use had instead of drink :-

Did you drink your pepsi ?
Yes, I had it ?
Yes, I drunk it ?