Good parenting

What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

To become parents is tough, but it is not impossible. Apart from providing food, clothes and shelter, since children are too young to making their own living, adults have to develop some qualities so that to be considered good parents. These top qualities are the following.

Firstly, behaving as good role models is of the utmost importance, because children usually follow the habits of their parents. If adults are used to smoking, drinking, gambling, quarreling and so forth, children may believe that those conducts are acceptable, and then, they will behave themselves the same way. Therefore, in order to not let their children go astray, parents should avoid those wanton and deviant behaviors, set good manners, and act ethically.

Secondly, spending quality time with their children is crucial. It is not a matter of quantity, but quality. Adults do not have to disregard their duties, but they should find some time to listen to their children’s problems and celebrate their children’s successes. If not, their children will feel that they are less important than adults’ jobs. For instance, having a small conversation during dinner, telling a story before bed time or attending their theatrical performance at school are thought to be nice ways to spend quality time.

Finally, a great parenthood involves adults being strict. When children misbehave, adults ought to tell them what they did wrong, and look for they behave properly. If persuasive talks do not change their bad behaviors, then it is preferable to ground them. To give them incentives when they behave appropriately and to punish them when they conduct themselves wrongly are meaningful ways in which children learn to behave themselves correctly.

In a nutshell, bearing all of the above mentioned in mind, an outstanding parenting is that when parents practice what they preach, by leading with the example; have quality moments with their beloved children; and, set rewards and penalties to teach their children how to become good citizens.

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What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

To become parents is tough, but it is not impossible. Apart from providing food, clothes and shelter, since children are too young to making their own living, adults have to develop some qualities so AS to be considered good parents. These top qualities are the following.

Firstly, behaving as good role models is of the utmost importance, because children usually follow the habits of their parents. If adults are used to smoking, drinking, gambling, quarrelling and so forth, children may believe that those conducts are acceptable, and then, they will behave themselves the same way. Therefore, in order to not LEAD THEIR children astray, parents should avoid those wanton and deviant behaviors, set good manners, and act ethically.

Secondly, spending quality time with their children is crucial. It is not a matter of quantity, but quality. Adults do not have to disregard their duties, but they should MAKE some time to listen to their children’s problems and celebrate their children’s successes. If not, their children will feel that they are less important than adults’ jobs. For instance, having a small conversation during dinner, telling a story before bed time or attending their theatrical performance at school(,) are thought to be nice ways to spend quality time WITH YOUR CHILDREN.

Finally, a great parenthood involves adults being strict. When children misbehave, adults ought to tell them what they did wrong, and look THAT they behave properly. If persuasive talks do not change their bad behaviors, then it is preferable to ground the (,) give them incentives when they behave appropriately(,) and to punish them when they conduct themselves wrongly are meaningful ways in which children learn to behave themselves correctly.

In a nutshell, bearing all of the above mentioned in mind, an outstanding parenting is when parents practice what they preach, by leading BY example; have quality moments with their beloved children; and, set rewards and penalties to teach their children how to become good citizens.
Good. 8/10


Thanks for the corrections, Kitos.