Good luck vs. best luck?

English Language Proficiency Tests, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #57 [color=blue]“Lucky You”, question 4

I thought the best thing was to wish them both luck and hope that everything worked out well.

(a) best
(b) all
(c) good
(d) fine

English Language Proficiency Tests, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #57 [color=blue]“Lucky You”, answer 4

I thought the best thing was to wish them both good luck and hope that everything worked out well.

Correct answer: (c) good

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
I thought the best thing was to wish them both best luck and hope that everything worked out well.


Why best can’t be considered as an option here??


Hi Ceo Neeraj,

To my mind your answer isn’t correct because there isn’t such expression “best luck” in English,you may say “the best of luck” (e.g.The best of luck with your exams), but not “best luck”.

As for "good luck’, it’s a fixed expression and means to wish somebody success.

That’s why you can’t replace “good” with “best.”

So in your sentence the only right answer is “good luck”.

I hope I’ve explained it to you properly.

Good luck! :slight_smile: