

There is a lovely bubbly lady called Chrissie Maher who in 1979 founded an organisation that goes by the name of THE PLAIN ENGLISH CAMPAIGN. She and her fellow workers point out some of the so-called gobbledygook (rubbish/piffle/gibberish/drivel) that exists nowadays in public communication. They offer Golden Bull awards to those who write gobbledygook, Crystal Marks to those who write clearly and ‘translate’ into simple English the communications of organisations and companies who wish to offer clear English in what they write. Their main object is to promote plain English and stamp out gobbledygook.

Here are some examples of obscure English:

[i]My organisation believes in global logistical flexibility.

You really can’t fail with deconstructed transitional programming.

I can make a window to discuss your ‘Outside the box’ administrative mobility

Forward-looking companies invest in regenerated strategic time-phases.

Our upgraded model now offers global reciprocal mobility

Have you come across other examples?


As I’ve never heard the word ‘gobbledygook’ so far, I went to search its meaning on my dictionaries. (Thank you, Alan, now I know more.)

I don’t dare to enter the competition for experts, just would like to mention that some of the Russian idioms I’ve found for that thing are: “Chinese puzzle”, “bird’s language” and even “devilry” and “a bally nuisance”. :slight_smile: