future prograssive , future perfect and future perfect prograssive!

I want to ask about future prograssive , future perfect and future perfect prograssive :
how can I Differentiate between them .
In thise practice what is the right tense :I will have graduated from school or I will have been graduating from school … and why …
A year from now,…
five yearsfro m now …
ten years from now…
twenty years from now…
thirty years from now…

‘I will have graduated’ because graduation is an ‘instantaneous event’ (it does not have duration) so we cannot use a progressive verb form here.

Without confusing you (I hope!), you could also use ‘In a year from now, I will be graduating’ (future progressive), but this is a different use of the progressive-- it indicates increased emotion/interest on the part of the speaker over the simpler ‘I will graduate’.

Please note the correct spelling of the word ‘progressive’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A rural scene[YSaerTTEW443543]