Free aviation dictionary?

Hi,dear Mr.Daerr!
I want to ask you for a big favour.I need your help.I need an aviation dictionary.I looked for it in the Internet,but I have to pay for it.I would like to ask you if you know how to receive a free aviation dictionary,tell me please!Unfortunately in my university no one wants all of us to be successful persons.They dont pay attention of our needs and wishes.So,if you can,tell me the way of receiving a free aviation dictionary.I want all of my aims become a truth.I dont want to be insolent in your eyes.I want just to be a stong stand on the ground person.
Many thanks in advance.
I`m looking forward your message!

Best regards,Peter!

Hi Peter,

Can you please tell me why exactly you need an aviation dictionary and why does it have to be ‘free’? Also, have you tried this free aviation glossary?

PS: You might want to start separating your sentences with a space. It makes your text much easier to read and is regarded as an important element of proper punctuation and spelling.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A smoky factory[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi,dear Mr.Daerr!
Ill pay attention on my writing skills.Thank you for your advice. I need an aviation dictionary because Im studying in Technical University of Sofia as an air-traffic controller.Our English teacher gave us a textbook which name is ‘Airspeak’ few days ago.In order to use it I need an aviation dictionary.This is one of the conditions of usage ‘Airspeak’.Without dictionary I cant use it.I want it to be free because I dont have a bill and I cant pay for it by Internet.Do you understand me?I hope I didnt disappoint you.You might have a different idea about me.Many thanks for this link of a free aviation glossary you sent to me.Unfortunately it is not useful for me.Never mind.I`m looking for a dictionary constantly till I find one.
Many thanks for everything.
Have a nice day and weekend.

Best regards,Peter!

Hi Peter,

Since you are a university student you might organize a small group of people who need that aviation dictionary too. If 10 people share the cost for one copy, you can purchase it. I’m sure that one of you either has a credit card or a PayPal account so you can purchases the book online.
Let me know what you think.

PS: What do you think of my suggestion to put a space at the end of each sentence just as you do when you write a text in Bulgarian?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Unpacking boxes[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi,dear Mr.Daerr!
Many thanks for your advice again. I think its good to put a space after each sentence. I didnt think about it before. Many thanks you told me the mistakes in my message. I can prevent my future messages from them. Ill have a conversation with all my coleagues in university and well discuss your idea. I think you helped me so much. Many thanks for everything.

Have a good evening!

Best regards,Peter.