I found a great tool for studying SAT Vocabulary a while. The tool appears to have been made for studying for the GRE (SAT for Graduate School), but works excellently for the SAT.
Check it out, [url]http://www.greatvocab.com/sat[/url]. Fair price, and really helped out my friends so i thought i would share.
This thing is new: http://wordahead.com
They have created vocabulary videos where they show you illustrations related to the meaning of the words and narrate related sentences. It is much easier than cramming through a book. Check it out! Too bad it was not there when I was studying for the test. May be you can find it useful.
Thanks for the link! I like the video approach, but i like the ‘training’ of www.greatvocab.com It keeps track of how well I know the word to determine how to efficiently utilize my time.
I really liked the roots too… i keep seeing the everywhere now lol
You also might like freerice.com. It’s a great way to increase your vocabulary while helping feed the hungry!