Forums often very slow / broken

For me just lately the forums have often been slow/broken to the point of unusable.

If my experience is typical then I think the problems are bad and persistent enough to endanger the future viability of the forums.

Sadly, I’d say your experience is typical (going by my own experience and by the amount of ‘stutters’ (repeat posts) from other users). This, combined with the ongoing spam problem, is taking its toll.

Regarding the spam issue, see … tml#518339

Yes, I saw that. That “two clicks” solution isn’t quite that straightforward either…
It can only be done in IE, which for me means copying and pasting the URL from my browser of choice into IE, and then going through the log in process to the forum, then the log in process to the antispam feature, then at regular periods an extra security measure before I even GET to the Spam button. Considerably more than two clicks and a lot more time consuming!
In addition, if I’m on a different device, such as a tablet (which I use increasingly these days) I don’t have access to IE at all.

  • All of which I hope explains why I don’t always click the ‘spam’ button when I see the spam, irritating as I find it.