Hello, I just got accepted to a pharmacy school so I want to sell my pcat study guides. I took the Kaplan course in 2012 and the Person practice tests and I got a high pcat score. Most of the materials taught in the class are shown in the book. I think that if you are an independent student, you just need to go over the books without going to the class. The package includes:
Kaplan Science
Kaplan Math/Verbal
Kaplan Flash Card set including subjects: Verbal, Math, Biology, and Chemistry
Kaplan Workbook.
Kaplan need to know formula sheet. Each book contains practice problems at the end of each chapter examining on the subject you have just read.
Barron’s Book with plenty of practice tests of all subjects
Here is the link to see the pics: flickr.com/photos/91912821@N07/
The books have highlights and writing, this is why I am asking for only $60. Shipping is not included. I will ship right away after receiving payment. Email: amy12101988@yahoo.com