Financial Analysis is the examination of a company's financial statements: internal ..... analysis is performed to identify how the company's performance has changed over a period of time, and external comparative analysis is conducted to measure the company's performance relative to its competitors.

Financial Analysis is the examination of a company's financial statements: internal ..... analysis is performed to identify how the company's performance has changed over a period of time, and external comparative analysis is conducted to measure the company's performance relative to its competitors. (*) course (*) growth (*) spot (*) trend

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,financial-analysis-is-the-examination-of-a-companys-financial-statements-internal-___-analysis-is-performed-to-identify-how-the-companys-performance-has-changed-over-a-period-of-time-and-external-comparative-analysis-is-conducted-to-measure-the-companys-performance-relative-to-its-competitors/