fill in the blanks with appropriate words;

How are you getting…in your new office?Is the word ‘on’ will fill the blank?
Oranges are sold …the dozen. Is it ‘by’?
Carelessness in hospital may result…the loss of life.
He has the aptitude …getting the best out of his workers.
The scheme has fallen…for want of finance.
The police rounded …anti-social elements last night.
Courage will carry a man…difficulties.
He looked …on the poor people.

Pl. advice.

Hi. Please attempt them all, and then we’ll correct them. Thanks.

How are you getting ON in your new office?
Oranges are sold BY the dozen.
Carelessness in hospitals may result IN the loss of life.
He has great aptitude ABOUT getting the best out of his workers.
The scheme has fallen APART for want of finance.
The police rounded OFF anti-social elements last night.
Courage will carry a man FROM difficulties.
He looked OVER on the poor people.

pl. advice, whether the bold words are appropriate.

  1. Correct
  2. Correct
  3. Correct
  4. For
  5. Correct
  6. Up
  7. I would guess “through” since courage implies standing up to something rather than flight. “Away” indicates departure.
  8. Down

Is through also possible in 5?

Yes, it is, Daemon.