Feedback on audio recording (7 Relative Pronouns)

i have just read the article about relative pronou. It is very helpful for me. In the life, we can use different word to explan a sentence that is same meaning. i think that your method to teach students is so good. With audio and article help us to more understand.
I like this website so much,
thank u so much :X

can you tell me is this sentece correct?
“If you are such a person who dont have enough time for yourself,you should learn to slow down your life”
I suspect about the usage of dont and yourself in this sentence rather than doesnt and herself.

Hello Mahsash,

“If you are the sort of person who doesn’t have enough time for yourself, you should learn to take life more slowly.”

why don’t you give us an example of each case ?(relative pronouns.)i really appreciate your help.thanks a lot

when we use the word as family we must use who or that?
and for animals the same problems

Hello Fretipa,

This thread is now so long that it’s not clear who you are asking or what ‘cases’ you are asking about. The table and examples here may help, but if that’s not what you mean, please post again.

Hi. how can the following sentence be reduced into adjective phrase? What’s the rule? The man whom must be punished is inthe yard

I don’t understand Stew wrote “She has some accent but clear pronunciation.” She doesn’t have any accent. This is my opinion because I live in USA.

Can you explain for me the meaning of “living souls”?
Thank you!

I need to be told by you that! if I’m using relative pronoun to say that ‘’ I sow that fish which you like " that correct or wrong.
That man who pass here is my teacher.
The ladie whom prignant is my wife

I saw that fish that you like.
That man who passes here is my teacher.
The pregnant lady is my wife.

Can you show me the relative pronoun in this sentense!
The pregnant lady is my wife.

‘Thanks’, not ‘thank’.

There is only one pronoun in that sentence. Do you know what a pronoun is?

I can try it! Pronoun is the word which used instead of noun.

So which word has been used instead of the speaker’s name in the above sentence?

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The word which has been used instead of speaker there is no word but sorry! I had done mistake concern our topic which we are discusssing I remember our topic was relative pronoun the sentence which I wrote is:
(a) The ladie whom pregnant is my wife. ( wrong) I put the word whom instead of whose.That’s my foult
(b) The ladie whose pregnant is my wife. okay do for me the correction by using this sentence (b)

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The correct sentence is
The lady who is pregnant is my wife
The pregnant lady is my wife
is usually a more natural way of writing the same thing.

Back to the original question:
Can you see the pronoun? (The word which was used instead of the speaker’s name in both of these sentences?)

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