
Let me say first to all, “A happy and prosperous new year”.

  1. “Feed the guests the nuts.”
  2. “Feed the guests with the nuts.”
  3. “Feed lunch to the guests.”
  4. “I feed my baby with milk only.”
  5. “We cater free food to our guests on the new year day.”
    Please correct the above sentences.
  1. and 2. both sound like strange uses of ‘feed’. It sounds as if you are feeding animals in a zoo.
    ‘Feed the monkeys with the nuts’/‘Feed the monkeys the nuts’ would be okay.
    Offer the guests the nuts’ sounds better.

  2. Similarly ‘offer lunch to’, ‘give lunch to’ or ‘provide lunch for’ is better than ‘feed lunch to the guests’.

  3. is okay.

  4. I suggest:
    We cater for the needs of our guests by providing free food on New Year’s Day.
    We provide free food for our guests on New Year’s Day.
    Our catering facilities offer free food for our guests on New Year’s Day.