Fancy a fancy fancy?

Hi, it just occurred to me that the word fancy can be used in so many conexts. For example, you can say Fancy a drink? or I can’t fancy a better place than this or I’ve taken quite a fancy to you.
However, I fancy there is more to the word fancy such as differences in how it is used in the UK and the US and maybe it’s become outdated in some areas?

Fancy sharing your thoughts?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Briefing on new store[YSaerTTEW443543]

Fancy (v) = like, Cambridge Online calls ‘mainly UK’, but I use it often enough in its various forms, meanings and idioms:

fancy dress
fancy man/woman
take a fancy to sth/sb
take/tickle your fancy
fancy sb’s chances
flight of fancy
tickle your fancy


I’ll add “fancy schmancy” to Mr. Micawber’s list. :lol:

And I’ll add Fancy that! an expression of surprise when you’ve been told something very unusual.


Dear Amy

Yes, you do add that but at least let us know the meaning and usage.


Hi Tom

The meaning of “fancy schmancy” (adjective) is similar to fancy (very decorated, ornamented, formal, etc.) but with the added feeling that it’s too much, very extravagant or even pretentious. (i.e., it can add a negative feeling)

We had a 10-course dinner at a fancy schmancy restaurant last night.

They bought a fancy schmancy house and now they think they’re better than everybody else.


I heard fancy-schmancy in very informal conversations with Americans.
What I’ve found out through google is close to the meaning that I came across before.

Fancy-schmancy (US slang) … /1009.html

In the United States, outside of expressions like, “Fancy that!” meaning, “Imagine that!” or saying that something “suits one’s fancy”, the word fancy is used almost exclusively as an adjective. Used as a verb, it sounds so feminine that most American men would not be caught dead saying it. When I found out that men in the UK say they fancy a drink or don’t fancy going some where, I was very surprised. It sounds rather gay to most Americans.

The expression fancy schmancy that Amy points out is a morphological device that Americans use more generally. It comes from Yiddish, but most Americans use it at least a little. When we want to show that we don’t care about something or don’t respect it, we say the word for that thing and replace the initial consonant(s) with schm. (If the word doesn’t start with a consonant, we just add schm as a prefix.)

Money, schmoney! I do this job for the satisfaction!
Baseball, schmaseball! Get inside and do your homework.
Diet, schmiet! It’s Thanksgiving. Eat all you want!